Bitcoin paper wallet
Image by Hannu-Makarainen
Bitcoin paper wallet. You can tip with these notes. Think about that you would like to say "thanks" for a street artist who accepts bitcoins, when you go by on this summer ..
Näppärä tapa antaa vaikka tipiksi bitcoineja katutaiteilijalle, joka tuntee bitcoinit. Siinä kun menet ohi tänä kesänä ..
Vastaanottajan tarvitsee vain importata qr-koodi sisään omalle tilille ja tositaiteilija löytää varmasti netistä virtuaalirahalle käyttökohteita.
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Former Reddit Cryptocurrency Engineer, Ryan X. Charles, is currently working on a new, bitcoin-powered social network, but he isn’t focused on creating something that will only be used by the Bitcoin community. In a recent interview on Epicenter Bitcoin, Charles noted that creating an app used by a mainstream audience would have much more value than simply creating /r/Bitcoin with micropayments.
Charles’s new platform is called Yours and the main goal is to create a way for content creators to get paid for their digital content directly from their audiences. Although he used to work at Reddit, Charles has noted that Yours is not simply a decentralized version of that social media platform.
Finding a First Non-Bitcoin Community for Yours
During the interview, Charles made it clear that Yours is currently searching for the first key community or demographic that the platform should try to attract. “I’m sort of vague about this now, but who are our core users?” he questioned. “What is community number one here?”
The reason Charles is somewhat vague on this point is because Yours has not yet identified the community that they should target first. Although many people within the Bitcoin community have heard of Yours, this is very much an unknown project among the general public and even among the general tech community.
Some think it would make sense to first focus on the Bitcoin community as a core batch of users, but Char…
Yours Wants to Take Bitcoin Mainstream by Targeting Non-Bitcoin Communities
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